4duro trademark-protected business formations
4duro incubates new trademark-protected businesses for global deployment.
Bioartificial Intelligence™ or bioAI™
Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) hardware, software, and other tools using biological, biomedical, biomechanical, or other bio-type data as training sets or other input
Biomedical input information including nucleotide, peptide, protein, and other biomolecule sequences; immunization protocols; medical intervention and surgery data; etc.
Appliable to “data processing” services
Appliable to “marketing, branding, advertising”
Appliable to “physical and online service” businesses
Trademark nos. 98844197 and 98844211
Products and services aiding in generally improving current and new Artificial Intelligence ("AI") hardware, software, and related tools or use of same
Trademark no. 98844545
Products and services for business applications of Artificial Intelligence ("AI") hardware, software, and related tools or use of same
Trademark no. 98844552
Products and services communicating news and notions involving Artificial Intelligence ("AI") hardware, software, and related tools or use of same, including for ratings optimization
Trademark no. 98852196
Inquire with bl@abvivo.com for opportunities.